by Bernie Lopez
Vertigo is a physical sickness, an abnormality of the middle ear that causes the loss of the sense of balance and total disorientation. But in rare occasions, there are spiritual causes.
There are vertigo cases where patients experience intense attacks for one to two days once or twice a month or even a year. Joel, in his sixties, was a very successful executive, the Chief Executive Officer or CEO of a medium sized firm, the small empire he had built through the decades of hard work. Joel's advanced stage vertigo was different. It was not occasional attacks but one protracted unending attack.
He had heard about Sister Raquel Reodica, RVM, the healer from Novaliches known to many. He went to her, hoping to be healed. He had to be guided by two persons on either side. He complained to her about his continuous vertigo. But there was something more, Joel posed. Hearing the words ‘something more’, Sister Raquel had instinctively a strange discernment about Joel's problem.
She said, "Let me guess the real problem."
"Go ahead Sister, take a shot", Joel dared her.
"You don't know what to do with yourself and your life. You are lost."
Joel was stunned, "How did you know?" Sister Raquel hit it right on the head. They had been talking just for a few minutes. Sister had no idea who and what he was. And so, Joel told everyone to stay away, as poured out everything to Sister, like a waterfalls spewing out waters of misery. No one knew about his problem. His family and relatives all thought he was happy and cozy in his job. He kept the seething volcano inside him. What he was about to say was a secret deep in the bosom of his soul that no one, not even his wife, knew about.
He went on. He was at the top of his career. He had attained everything he wanted. He sat in a plush office, giving commands to his people like a general, or more like an emperor. There was nothing he could not get if he wished for it. But he was bored to death giving orders and being in charge. He had a lot of 'bored meetings'. He had no desire for more fortune as he had it all. He was bored being respected by everyone. All their praises and awe were nothing to him. There was something missing in all these. At the apex of his career, Joel felt there was no meaning in life. There was nothing there on top, just emptiness amidst all the frenzied tasks to keep the empire going. Joel’s case reminded me of the book ‘Hope for the Flowers’. I told Sister to tell Joel to read the book. It is a book for children. You could finish the book in one sitting, say two hours. It had a very simple plot but it was deep and powerful and hits the spirit in search of one's self.
Sister told Joel everyone had a calling or vocation. Everyone had his mission-vision to fulfil. You do not have to reach your goal in your lifetime. But you must try to reach it, approach it. The effort is more important than the goal. The journey is more important than the destination. Sister reminded Joel of the parable of the talents. She said the talents God gave you are not for yourself. They are for others. Your career and business skills are the same. They are not for you, that was why Joel was bored with himself at the top. Even your empire is not for you.
Sister started probing, "Do you have God in you?"
"Not really, Sister. I hate novenas. I go to mass only as a habit to accompany my wife. It is nothing to me. No, I am not the religious type." Joel was silent for a long while, thinking hard.
"Your spiritual energy has no outlet. It is all bottled up inside you”, Sister added.
Joel did not realize it but Sister was opening up a whole new world to him. She was laying out a trap to catch him and bring him out of his dilemma of success and boredom all at once. The meaning of life that he was looking for, more spiritual than material, was staring him right on the face.
After her short sermon that made Joel think hard, she asked, "O saan ka ngayon?" (Where do you stand?)
Instinctively, after his instant catharsis, after all the misery of his success, he instantly shouted, "Kay Hesus. Kay Hesus ako, sister." (I am for Jesus.)
Joel embraced instantly the answer to his dilemma, his spiritual vacuum, his spiritual vertigo. And in his reply, his physical vertigo vanished instantly. Joel stood up and brushed aside his aides. His sense of balance was back. He could suddenly walk. The Lord he turned to after all these years healed him instantly. Many cannot understand that there are spiritual solutions to physical problems, as in Joel’s case. By instantly placing himself in the hands of the Lord, after all these years of being on top, there was meaning and fulfilment.
Healing sessions at the Mother Ignacia Healing Center are every Wednesdays and Saturday; 857 Bagumbong Road, Novaliches. Inquire by email, are just ask around. People can guide you to the place.